A bit of background first
When I joined PARA I was introduced to a guy named Andrew Smith. Andrew had an idea for an electronic logging system on our SAR vessel. He called it ISIS. The concept was akin to systems that may be in a Police cruiser.
The concept was to create a system that could be used to electronically collect information including logs on the vessel.
I was a bit sceptical at first I have to admit. However as I experienced more events on the boat I started to understand where Andrew’s inspiration came from.
I wanted to add my own spin on it. I recommended that we integrate the system into the boats electronics. This would allow for accurate recording of coordinates, time and whatever else the the boat could tell us.
Well I am happy to report that we have built it. At least the start of it anyway. Theses series of blog posts will be about the features and updates to ISIS. If you have ideas for the system recommend them and I will try to integrate them.
We would like this software to be available to anyone who would like it. Specifically marine search and rescue as that is what it is geared to. If you do find it useful I only ask that you contribute to the ideas for the system and if you really like it make a donation to PARA.
The next few posts will be about the hardware and features currently in the system.
Chris Webb
Electronics Officer
PARA Rescue.